
Best Practices

Each cave is unique, and is an invaluable scenic and scientific resource. Many caves contain beautiful and unique mineral formations. Some caves contain rare or endangered species of flora and fauna. A few caves contain historic relics or prehistoric bones and artifacts.

No matter how beautiful or how seemingly drab a cave may be, it is a place to be visited with care and respect.

A cave adapted millipede
Photo: Greg Roemer-Baer

Cave Research

Grotto members participate in a diverse array of scientific projects that help advance our understanding of caves.

In many projects, Southern California Grotto members have provided the core base of help and expertise without which these investigations would not be successful. In some cases members have been the principal investigators, leading the scientific research effort.

Restoration Projects

Southern California Grotto members are actively involved in numerous underground conservation efforts. Cavers play an important role in protecting caves and their inhabitants by gating, removing lint, and restoring cave formations.

A member of SoCal Grotto investigates the gate that’s been built.