The Southern California Grotto is a chapter of the National Speleological Society, and was chartered in 1949. We’re one of the oldest grottos in the NSS, and have a distinguished history of cave exploration, cave science, and cave conservation throughout California, North America, and the world.

The Southern California Grotto meets the first Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at the Beckman Institute Auditorium at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in Pasadena.
Meetings are a great opportunity to meet other Grotto members, learn about caves and caving, and get involved with grotto caving activities. Each meeting features a slide show on recent trips and activities by Grotto members, or other presentations about caves or caving.
Visitors and new cavers are always welcome to attend. Please stop by!

Conservation Projects
Southern California Grotto collaborates with land owners and land managers to help with conservation and manage access issues.
Cave Access
Southern California Grotto members prepare to be safer and more skilled cavers together. Many caves require vertical skills to explore. The grotto holds single rope technique (SRT) practices, knot and anchor practice nights, and other events to support skill-building and make caving safer.

2025 Executive Committee
A professional team of seasoned splunkers and renowned mud wallowers.
Greg Allan
Carl Haken
Vice Chair
Vincent Robbins
Rich Collier
Treasurer and Librarian
David Angel
Member at Large
Will Heltsley
Member at Large
Ken Kietzer
Member at Large
Scott Schmitz
Member at Large
Carol Vesely
Member at Large