Category: Governance

  • Website Staff

    Here’s a list of folks who have create & edit privileges for this website. Executive Committee All members of the Executive Committee are able to add or edit pages by default. TODO: add a selector in the block plugin tool for ec members Editors Editors are people who are not on the Executive Committee but…

  • Discord Design

    Administration If you are an administrator you have enough rope to hang yourself. Please remember the following: Roles Member roles Some roles are related to club membership: Administrative roles Bonus Roles Regional Roles We assign roles based on these regions. Ideally we’ll allow users to just choose them at some point with Zeppelin. There’s also…

  • Annual Trip Planning Meeting

    Goals Meetings General Meetings EC Meetings Photo Night Recurring Training SRT Practice Knot Practice Anchor Practice Advanced SRT Practice Rescue Practice Trips Recurring Trips Annual Trips Bigger Trips Trip Ideas Extra Grotto Try to update these on the calendar as much as possible when they pop up.

  • Trip Building

    Ideas for planning and executing trips at the perfect time of year, as well as honoring annual trips and building members skill sets. Weather Running a Death Valley trip in summer is a bad idea. If you plan your trips with a yearly cadence you can ensure you visit at the perfect time of year…

  • Gear Replacement Plan

    Gear refresh is typically done annually in February. Check this page for other equipment related maintenance items.

  • EC Tasks by Month

    A suggestion for EC Meeting Tasks to remember. Update this list as action items arise. January February March April May June July August September October November December